FIRST COURSE - "Gnocchi all’ossolana"

Recipe for 6 people
500 g white flour
500 g "granito" flour
800 g sweet pumpkin
600 g red potatoes
100 g chestnuts
200 g breadcrumbs
2 egg yolks
1 tsp of extra-virgin olive oil
Salt, pepper and nutmeg, to taste
Boil the potatoes and the chestnuts, bake the pumpkin in the oven with a little oil and then run these ingredients through a fine sieve. Place a mound of flour on a board; add potatoes, pumpkin, chestnuts, eggs, salt, pepper, nutmeg and oil. Mix and knead, and then add the breadcrumbs. Shape the gnocchi as preferred, place them in a bot with boiling water and remove them from the water when they float to the top. At this point, place them in a pan with melted butter and sage, add cooking juices from a roast and typical toma cheese from the Ossola mountain region. Cook until a creamy sauce forms.