Lago Maggiore

Worldwide known for having been the birthplace of St. Charles Borromeo, Arona has been one of the most important military towns on the way connecting Switzerland and Northern Europe to Lombardy since the Middle Ages.
The town provides an overview throughout the centuries with prehistoric, Celtic an Roman finds in the Archaeological Museum, the Romanesque bell tower of the Collegiata (parish church), the Gothic Broletto (court house), the Renaissance masterpieces inside its churches, the Baroque Statue of St. Charles and the Art Nouveau railway station.
Not to miss is the charm of the ancient fortress, the Rocca, whose ruins remind of past battles and sieges. From there you can admire Lake Maggiore as well as the Alps. The wildlife reserve and archaeological site of Lagoni Park of Mercurago has been acknowledged by UNESCO as part of the World Heritage.

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45.755367412914, 8.5589504241943

45.755367412914, 8.5589504241943