Ig Tour #2 "Historic Mountain Roads from Ossola Valleys and Lake Maggiore"

From September 02nd to September 03rd 2023 it took place the second IG TOUR dedicate to the “Historic Mountain Roads", organized by Distretto Turistico dei Laghi in co-operation with Community IG WORLDCLUB ITALIA, No-Profit National Community, whose mission is the promotion of territory and its excellences through Instagram and other digital media; with more than 2,6 mio of followers, it is the main Italian digital reality of photography.
The tour focus was the historic road from Cascata del Toce to Passo San Giacomo, built in the 1929 to allow the construction of dams of Kastel and Toggia.

On September 02nd the Instagramers were in Crodo with its hamlets of Viceno and Mozzio.
On September 03rd, they have visited the Church of San Gaudenzio of Baceno, the Cascata del Toce and Riale.

The Instagramers Laura Stratta @lauradistratta moderatrice @IG_PIEMONTE e @IG_MNMS, Ingrid Gastaldo @ingridsworld79 team @IG_valledaosta, Francesca Salvadori @a_look_to_the_alps team IGworldclub_nature e IGworldclub_illustrationart
Manuela Valfrè @manuela.hev team IG_langheroeromonferrato e @borghitalia, Romina Condemi @romina_condemi team IG_genova IG_liguria, have taken part of the tour.

Stories, story telling, reels e post were shared on Instagram page of Distretto Turistico dei Laghi ( @lagomaggiore_turismo ) getting hundreds of visual views.

In cooperation with IG WORLDCLUB ITALIA

Project promoted by Regional Law n. 9/2021 "Interventi per la valorizzazione delle strade storiche di montagna di interesse turistico"

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