Lonely Planet Piemonte Live Tour

Lonely Planet PIEMONTE Live Tour

An “experiential” multi-channel narration through a tour of Piemonte curated by a team of 4 LP professionals.
The result of this initiative will be a video-story released at the beginning of September 2021 in view of the autumn season, but - given the success of the LONELY PLANET brand - it could be an opportunity for promotion also for the 2022 season.

The Lonely Planet team arrives on LAKE MERGOZZO and LAKE MAGGIORE in the afternoon of Thursday, 22nd July 2021 to start shooting at the Candoglia quarry, in the village of Mergozzo and finally in the town of Baveno.
A tour, organized by Distretto Turistico dei Laghi in collaboration with municipalities, local operators and cultural representatives, which takes place on the fil rouge of STONE and WATER. In fact, talking about an important resource typical of this corner of Piedmont, with its strong identity in the most precious versions of marble and granite (from geology to extraction, from processing to transport by water up to the creation of works and monuments of international caliber) means enhancing the history of lakes and mountains, the tradition of its people (the ancient craft of the quarryman and stonemason) and the applied arts. The water, on the other hand, is that of the lake, where our mountains overlook, the quarries open, which is the historical way of transport (waterway) of the stone towards relevant monuments.

Watch the video Lonely Planet Italia "48 ORE in Piemonte" dedicated to Art & Landscape!

In partnership with DMO VisitPiemonte