Fam Trip “Let's fall between Lakes & Alps!” Markets France, Germany, the Netherlands and United States

16.-20. September 2021

Distretto Turistico dei Laghi organizes a Fam Trip on Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta and Ossola for a selection of 8 tour operators (leisure and MICE) from France, Germany, Holland and the United States.
The themes of the tour are villas and gardens, outdoor and food & wine, as well as site inspections at hotels and visits to producers, all in the name of slow movement, an authentic and sustainable holiday.
This educational tour is the third and final phase that completes the project to promote foreign incoming - with the involvement of T.O. - implemented in 2021 by our Local Tourist Agency and already started in March with the Webinar and the Virtual Workshop "LET'S SPRING BETWEEN LAKES & ALPS!".
The hybrid combination "digital training + virtual meetings + educational tour in person" is today the most congenial formula for trade tourism events.

In partnership with Tourist Trend